ASTI-UB Staff Research Profiles

Prof. Sakwe George Mbotake
PhD in Applied Linguistics (Translation Studies)
MA in translation
BA in English and French
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Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- Sakwe G. M. (2013). “Language Competence and Translation Performance” EPASA MOTO a multidisciplinary journal of Arts, Letters and the Humanities of the University of Buea Volume 1 Number 1, June 2013.
- Sakwe G.M. (2014) ‘’Investigating the evolution in the language teaching component of the translation curriculum in ASTI: status, scope, and results’’ in Translation Journal, Volume 17, No. 4 October 2014 :
- Sakwe G.M. (2014) “ Teaching translation in Cameroon Anglophone high schools: Challenges for Innovative Pedagogy in T21N – Translation in Transition, 2014-06
- Sakwe G. M. (2014), « L’Enseignement de la Littérature en FLE dans les Classes Terminales Anglophones » in 2014
- Sakwe, G. M. (2015). The Standard Profile of the 21st Century Translator and its Impact on Translator Training. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 3(3), 86-104. Retrieved from
- Sakwe, G. M. (2016). Addressing Trainees’ Diversity Conundrums in Translator Education: Towards a Responsive Pedagogy. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 4(1), 117-135. Retrieved from
- Sakwe, G. M, (2016). Factoring Adult Learners’ Generational Mix in Translator Education. International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 4 No. 3; July 2016
- Sakwe, G. M, (2017). Assessing Translator Education in the light of Competency-based approaches: Dashboard indicators and Stakeholders’ sense-making. International Journal of English Language, Literatures and Translation Studies (Ijelr.In). Vol. 4. Issue.3., 2017 (July-Sept.)
- Sakwe, G. M, (2017). The Effect of Translation on the Humour Response in Satirical Pidgin news in Cameroon. International Journal of English Language, Literatures and Translation Studies (Ijelr.In). Vol. 4. Issue.3., 2017 (July-Sept.)
- Sakwe, G. M, (2017). Towards a Methodology of Teaching Political Discourse: A case for Translator Training and Education. International Journal of English Language, Literatures and Translation Studies (Ijelr.In). Vol. 4. Issue.3., 2017 (July-Sept.)

PhD in African Literature
MA in African Literature in translation
Maîtrise in Literature of the continent
BA in English and French
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Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- The used of orature as a tool of the rural women empowerment: The case study of Tess osonye Onwueme’s What Mama Said and Tell It to Women in: journal of Languages ,Linguistics and literary studies, Journal of Humanities, Department of French Imo State University, Oworri, Vol 10, No 1, January 2019
- Folklore,re-orientation and economic growth In: Danmarrna International Journal of Multi-disciplinary studies, 10, No.1, January 2019
- Rethinking Traditional knowledge in Rural Development In: Danmarrna International Journal of Multi-disciplinary studies, 10, No.1, January 2019
- Orature as a thematic and aesthetic communication medium: Change Waka and His man Sawa boy and Once upon great lepers of Bate Bessong In: Nsukka journal of foreign Languages and Literary Studies, No 1, July 2018, p. 21
- La problématique de l’éducation manqué : le cas des enfants soldats dans “Allah n’est pas oblige” d”Ahmadou Kourouma In : Northern inter-university French journal, vol. 5, N0 1th, September 2018, p. 3-7
- De la présence d’une littérature orale en pidgin : prolégomènes à la quête d’une identité culturelle camerounaise In : Journal of Humanities, Department of French, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria- Nigeria, Vol.2, N°3&4 Sept.2014, p. 180
- L’enfant entre éducation traditionnelle et moderne : cas du Cameroun In : Journal of Humanities, Department of French, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria- Nigeria, Vol.2, N°2, Sept.2013, p.300

Atouga Jean Pierre, PhD
PhD in Comparative Literature
MA in translation
Secondary and High School Teachers’ Diploma (DIPES II)
BA in English and French
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- Atouga, J. P. (2019). “Women Predicament in War Situation. An investigation on Language used on Online Media” in Meutem Kamtchueng, Lozzi M. et al. (eds.); Language, Media and Technologies: Usages, Forms and Functions. Muenchen : Lincom Europa. PP. 124-142
- Atouga, J. P. (2019). “Transposition et représentation de l’Afrique dans Destination Biafra de Buchi Emecheta” in Ambassa Fils, Bernard et Abada Medjo, Jean Claude (eds.); L’Afrique en discours: littératures, média et arts contemporains. Paris: Connaissances et Savoirs. PP. 51-69.

Songa Bidjocka Etienne
PhD fellow in Applied Development Sciences
MA in translation
Diploma in Interpretation
Master in Diplomacy and International Relations
BA and a Master’s Degree in Spanish Letters and Linguistics
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Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- SONGA BIDJOCKA, E. (2017). “Une refonte du logiciel mental comme réel préalable au développement de l’Afrique” Ch.4, pp. 60-72 in NGA NDONGO, Valentin (dir) Problématique de la Renaissance en Afrique – Le continent noir face au défi de l’impérieuse émergence, l’Harmattan, Col. Sociologie Africaine, septembre 2016,.)
“From Social Barriers to Paralympic Participation to Socio-economic Emancipation for Paralympic Success. An Empirical Analysis of the Cameroonian Context”, Article exposed at the 2019 VISTA Conference on Sport Science and Technology, Amsterdam, NE

PhD in Sociolinguistics (Dynamic and Language Vitality)
DEA in French Language
MA in French Language
BA in French Language
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- PALE Pierre, 2013, « Dynamique de la langue tupuri, une langue adamawa à fond lexical tchadique et adamawa » In Mendo Ze G. et Onguéné Essono L.M., Langues nationales en Situation. Réflexions pour la revalorisation des langues premières, Éditions Clé, Yaoundé, pp 113-122.
PALE Pierre, 2020, « Langue et sentiment d’appartenance : une solution à la problématique de l’enseignement des langues locales ». In ATENKE ETOA S.X., EVOUNA J. et ELOUNOU V. La Linguistique au pluriel, Hommage à Louis Martin Onguéné Essono, Editions Cheikh Anta Diop (EDI-CAD). Technologies: Usages, Forms and Functions. Muenchen : Lincom Europa. PP. 124-142
- Atouga, J. P. (2019). “Transposition et représentation de l’Afrique dans Destination Biafra de Buchi Emecheta” in Ambassa Fils, Bernard et Abada Medjo, Jean Claude (eds.); L’Afrique en discours: littératures, média et arts contemporains. Paris: Connaissances et Savoirs. PP. 51-69.

Azambou Ndongmo Laurent Roger, PhD
PhD in Applied Linguistics (Interpreting Studies)
PGD in interpretation
MA in translation
Msc in Chemistry
Licence de Sciences physiques
option Chimie organique
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- Azambou, N.L.R. (2019). “Towards an Evaluation of the BMP (Bachelor, Masters, PhD) Reform: Impact on the Interpretation Training Programme of the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI) of the University of Buea, Cameroon”. African Journal of Social Sciences, a Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 10 Number 3, April 2019.

Tchoupou Tatsabong Sandrine, PhD
Doctorate degree (Translation Studies)
Post-graduate Diploma in Conference Interpreting
MA in translation
Licence trilingue ( B A in French, English, German)
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- Tchoupou T. (2014). “Quand le Cameroun rencontre la Corée du Sud : traducteur interculturel” Foreign Language Education Research Institute, Seoul National University(서울대학교 교육종합연구원 외국어교육연구소), Special issue on Language and Translation, December 2014.

Mandeng Deborah Raymonde, PhD
PhD in Comparative Literary Studies
MA in Literature of French Expression
MA in English Language (Sociolinguistics)
BA in English and French
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area

PhD in French linguistics (Discourse analysis)
MA in French literature
Secondary and High School Teacher Diploma 2nd Level
BA in French
Secondary E-mail:
Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area
- (Essai) : Manga, C., 2015, Effets de vie littéraire et mythique dans la Bible. Berlin : EUE.
- (Article): Manga, C., 2017, Identité et altérité politique à l’aune du connecteur «mais » dans le discours de campagne électorale de Paul Biya. Yaoundé: Syllabus Review 7(1): 106-124.
- (Article): Manga, C., 2019, L’autocitation vue par la théorie scandinave de la polyphonie linguistique (ScaPoLine), in Actes de la XXe conférence des romanistes scandinaves. Bergen: Bells (Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies) Vol.10 (1)
- (Article): Manga, C., 2020 (À paraître), Le discours dialogique du héros condamné à mort d’Albert Camus comme expression de la philosophie de l’absurde et de la révolte: une lecture comparative de L’Étranger et des Justes. Paris: Connaissances et Savoirs.
- (Roman): Manga, C., 2017, Symbole de l’illusion. Paris: Edilivre.

Higher Teacher Training Diploma in Spanish Language and Literature
MA in translation trilingual (Spanish – English – French)
PhD Student in Translation and Intercultural Studies
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Brief Educational Background
Research Interest Area

Alphonsius Ategha
MA in translation
Certificate in Subtitling
BA in English and French
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